
Easy-Laser - XT11

To strengthen Easy-Laser's market position, we collaborated on a design strategy which led to a new product platform and improved UX. The clarified position and increased customer benefit enhanced the overall brand experience.


Using sensitive tools in rough environments demands careful material selection and design. A thorough development process is therefore necessary to explore the users' everyday life, various work situations and intuitive control. This ensures that the product really helps the user.


Our goal is always to make new generations easier to use – even when more advanced. Subsequently, we worked on the physical product and the GUI (Graphical User Interface) throughout the process, resulting in a user-friendly measurement instrument with a durable exterior and outstanding precision.

Shaping development

Product design is usually only associated with physical objects and design. We prefer a design strategy first to gain an understanding of the business, its staff and the intended users. In Easy-Laser’s case, this was developed parallel to work on the GUI, product design and UX. Bringing it together guaranteed that the company’s DNA was preserved physically and digitally.

Interaction design

A learning curve with an inclusive gradient is vital for the first impression. The intuitive GUI facilitates system navigation for new users while offering the depth of functionality required for excellent results. Stylized icons offer cohesive visuals without compromising communication.

Information flow

GUI development looks ahead to ensure that API works on XT11, tablets and phones. Sharing information between devices is seamless and perceived as the same, regardless of hardware.

Resource efficient

Production efficiency always means an affordable price for the end-user and a return on investment for clients. Thanks to a modular structure, the same measurement instrument can be connected to different mounts and changed on-site depending on the task. Duct tape may sometimes work, but custom-designed chain lines and magnets are preferable on lubricated machines.